Lady Finger

The other name of ladyfinger is Okra or Okro. Ladyfingers are cultivated in warm temperate, tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. In many countries lady fingers are used in cuisines. Ladyfingers required a lot of sunlight, as tropical plants. Ample water requires for its seeding. By taking good care of plants we save them from the diseases like wilting of leaves and yellowing of leaves.
What Are The Properties Of Ladyfingers?
Ladyfingers contain the elements of zinc, iron, and calcium. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and K.
Potential Use Of Lady Finger

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Colon Cancer

The nutrients present in ladyfinger have the ability to clean the intestinal track, specifically Colon. Which reduces the risk of colon cancer. Obesity: Lady finger is a high fibre vegetable and have fewer calories which helps to control obesity. Obesity is only caused by eating fatty food or not taking essential nutrients in the diet. Skin Condition: The fibre it contains has the ability to remove toxic waste. The vitamin C of ladyfinger helps to retain skin tissues. Many other benefits of lady fingers can help your body to survive in the environment. It also has the ability to protect the body from any fatal attack and stops the development of asthma. Buy it from Albarka as we are providing one of the best and 100% natural Lady fingers for our customers

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